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However it appears journals can only to be used to keep a “moral inventory” of sexual temptations. A participant is to be honest, authentic and real but… family visits are to be glossed over and superficial? Many people use journaling as a method of self reflection and thought. No discussing therapeutic issues at home.

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Several selected rules read:Ībsolutely no journaling or keeping a diary outside of the MI* process unless directed or approved by staff. Program rules of genuine concern to me is a clear double standard when it came to encouraging honesty, self-examination and reflection in patients. There are of course several comical rules forbidding any clothing from Abercrombie and Fitch and dining at places like TGI Fridays (because there is a bar attached to the restaurant). On his blog Zach posts program rules given to parents that aren’t supposed to be seen by patients.

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How do we know all this? Zach has been writing about it on his blog found here on. A 16 year old named Zach in Bartlett, Tennessee recently came out to his parents who reacted by announcing they are sending him to an ex-gay live-in program called Love In Action, the same cult like program Peterson Toscano survived.

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